Amélie Blondiaux - Into the north - Eeyou Istchee Baie James Tourism

Amélie Blondiaux

27 years old, French

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Amélie Blondiaux
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Amélie Blondiaux

Age : 27

Nationality : French

Occupation : Photographer

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other cultures, photography, kayaking, canoeing, hiking, vanlife/road trip

  • Why do you wish to take part in the ITN adventure?

    Since I'm young, I dream about living in Canada. I was always repeating myself at my parents and they really never understood why I was focusing on Canada. Wide spaces, freedom, reconnecting with nature, learning again about time, enjoying simple many values that are inspiring me !

  • In your opinion, where is the most beautiful place on earth and why?

    Without going there (I let my fantasies speak) I think that the most beautiful place on earth is Greenland. There are many fabulous places on earth but Greenland is for me the regulator of all places and all of us. And especially Nature with a big N. Fabulous, passionate, forsaken!

  • What’s your favourite travel story?

    Recently we went out with Ben (companion and accomplice of adventures) in Highlands. We had to camp but we changed our plans because of the messy and rough temperature. We finally slept in our car during 10 days and yet we came back from this trip litteraly in love with Scotland.

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Amélie Blondiaux - Into the north - Eeyou Istchee Baie James Tourism
real nature


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