Oscar Lopez - Into the north - Eeyou Istchee Baie James Tourism

Oscar Lopez

40 years old, Venezuelan

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Oscar Lopez
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Oscar Lopez

Age : 40

Nationality : Venezuelan

Occupation : Financial Security Advisor

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other cultures, photography, kayaking, hiking

  • Why do you wish to take part in the ITN adventure?

    I believe that there is not age to fulfill our lives. Unfortunately society teaches us that life and success is about work and money, but life is more than collecting things, life is about collecting experiences. I embrace my mortality, and I want to have this amazing experience in this life.

  • In your opinion, where is the most beautiful place on earth and why?

    I have never been there yet, but the most beautiful place on earth for me would be the Himalayas. Mountains have an energy that is indescribable, are beautiful and imposing, you can admire them from the bottom, enjoy the climb and feel it at the summit. Therefore, the Himalayas must be majestic.

  • What’s your favourite travel story?

    I loved the story of \"A walk in the woods\" because it is about an old guy without experience trying to hike the Appalachian trail, showing that it is never to late to do and to learn something.

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Oscar Lopez - Into the north - Eeyou Istchee Baie James Tourism
real nature


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